[rabbitmq-discuss] Failed upgrade from 1.8.1 to 2.1.0

Matthew Sackman matthew at rabbitmq.com
Fri Oct 8 13:12:07 BST 2010

Hi David,

Glad you're well.

On Thu, Oct 07, 2010 at 05:32:36PM -0700, David King wrote:
> At first (about 15:10 on the graph), almost all of the queues started
> growing. Consumers would hang, unaided by restarts. But some of the
> queues (like commenstree_q and register_vote_q) didn't have any
> trouble at all.

Ok, how much memory is in the box, and what are the average sizes of
these messages? Are you setting the memory_high_watermark to anything
non-default (of 0.4)? When rabbit starts, there should be entries in the
logs saying things like:

=INFO REPORT==== 8-Oct-2010::12:47:52 ===
Memory limit set to 4816MB.

What does it say in your case?

I suspect that you're maybe hitting the memory high watermark - are
there any entries in the logs like:

=INFO REPORT==== 7-Oct-2010::17:41:43 ===
    alarm_handler: {set,{vm_memory_high_watermark,[]}}


Also, are you publishing messages transient or persistent (what's the
delivery_mode when you publish messages)?. And your consumers that
blocked, are these the ones using basic.get or basic.consume? And are
they acking messages or using autoack? Are any of the consumers doing
any publishes too?

> At about 15:50, after about 30 minutes of trying to figure out what
> was going on I restarted rabbit. This time, some of the queues that
> were uncomsumable before (like spam_q and corrections_q) were now
> working, but other queues (like indextank_changes) would still hang on
> consuming.

Interesting. What actions other than basic.consume (I assume) are these
consumers doing when they connect? Do they try and redeclare the queue
or create any other resources?

> At 16:20 I gave up and started reverting back to the other queue
> machine (running rabbit 1.8.1). As that happened, some of the queues
> that were unconsumable finally started shrinkining and their consumers
> unhung. Some of them (newcomments_q) processed all of the items in the
> queue basically instantly, so this isn't a case of our own app not
> being able to keep up. By about 16:30 I'd completed moving back to the
> old machine.

Ok, what was the disk activity during this exercise in general? The new
persister is much better at coping with memory pressure. However, that
has a few interesting and possibly surprising facets:

1. Eventually, if memory pressure continues to build, all messages have
to be written to disk.

2. At no point do we want the queue to become unresponsive. This means
that we have to batch work, and actually start writing messages to disk
fairly early on, in the general scheme of things: we don't want to get
to the point where we suddenly realise we have to write out millions of
items to disk: we want a smooth transition to occur.

3. Short fast queues are prioritised. This is because they probably
won't be able to maintain their rates if they're having to go via the
disk, whereas slower queues probably can. That said, we work as hard as
possible to avoid having to do any reads until things get really bad,
memory wise. Most of the time, it should just be appends.

Of course, all of this is only relevant if you're actually seeing the
disk thrashing itself to death and you're running out of memory.

We have recently identified and fixed some memory issues with queues in
general, however, they're only really relevant if you're using thousands
of queues, so I don't think it's these that are biting you.

> Also, this is unrelated, but I'd provisioned the new machine a couple
> of weeks ago, and it's been sitting literally 100% idle until I tried
> moving today. But look at its memory usage over the last week
> <http://i.imgur.com/M7x6m.png>. What on earth could it be doing that
> it's growing in memory when *not used*? This machine is identical to
> our other machines (it's an EC2 node from the same AMI), but only this
> node has this problem, and all it's running is rabbit.

Now that is interesting. What version of Erlang are you running?


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