[rabbitmq-discuss] latency

Matthew Sackman matthew at rabbitmq.com
Tue Nov 9 14:00:01 GMT 2010

On Tue, Nov 09, 2010 at 02:46:35PM +0100, Adam Kaminiecki wrote:
> It is not Rabbit problem :)

Always good to hear ;)

> but have another problem first consumer which connect to exchange
> before my creazy producer is very slow... dont know why any other
> consumers work properly...

Are you saying:

1. You connect several consumers to Rabbit.
2. You have a publisher publishing to Rabbit.
3. All but the first consumer have a fast receiving rate.


In 1, are all these consumers consuming from the same queue or do they
all have their own queues?

> One more question. Can i publish message in one thread and listen
> for message in another in my situation??

Err yes - if you're using the Java client, you should use the
QueueingConsumer to do the thread jump.


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