[rabbitmq-discuss] |Spam| |Spam| broker going down, how to troubleshoot?

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Fri Nov 5 19:03:45 GMT 2010


Shane wrote:
> We have a one node broker in a dev env which goes down once a day. [...]
> Here's the relevant rabbit log entries:

Is there anything in the rabbit-sasl.log file?

How was rabbit started on that machine?

> =WARNING REPORT==== 5-Nov-2010::11:37:57 ===
> exception on TCP connection <0.4560.22> from
> connection_closed_abruptly

That's a client disconnecting. It's unlikely that it has anything to do 
with rabbit going down.

> =INFO REPORT==== 5-Nov-2010::12:00:36 ===
> Limiting to approx 1048475 file handles (943625 sockets)

Hmm. Just after mid-day. Does rabbit go down at the same time every day?



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