[rabbitmq-discuss] Stop producer and queue continue growing...

Gustavo Aquino aquino.gustavo at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 12:17:22 GMT 2010

Hi Matthew,

Humm, interesting and disturbing, I will try to do your clue sending a
queue.declare to get the queue size, but know I'm really concerned.

If I have one persistent queue binding this Exchange where messages was
posted and all of this messages are in buffer going to queue and server
crash so I will lose all this buffered messages right ?

I'm using RabbitMQ 1.7.2  and I'm publishing transient messages.


On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 7:49 AM, Matthew Sackman <matthew at lshift.net> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 12:10:38AM -0300, Gustavo Aquino wrote:
> > So my question is why queue continue to grow ?
> Messages can be buffered in many places. In your case, you're seeing
> messages buffered in the channel, before they reach the queue. This is
> why the numbers reported by things like rabbitmqctl list_queues should
> not really be trusted - there can be many messages which you believe are
> published but have not yet reached the queue - eg client TCP stack,
> kernel buffers, network buffers, and the channel in the server. Try
> sending a sync operation down, eg a queue.declare to (re)declare the
> queue. That has to go through the channel behind all the backed up
> publishes. When you get the queue.declare_ok back, it will contain a
> different number - the number of messages in the queue at the point at
> which the queue.declare was processed.
> You also didn't mention which branch/version of rabbit you're using, nor
> if you're publishing persistent messages (persistent messages to a
> transient queue still *have* to be written to disk because they should
> survive a crash, though not a clean shutdown).
> Matthew
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