[rabbitmq-discuss] limit number of messages buffered in memory in new persister

tsuraan tsuraan at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 21:20:14 GMT 2010

> I disabled file:sync() just to test if the bottleneck is caused by fsync.
> The result showed it was not.  In your previous email you mentioned using
> ext3 with data=ordered you could get close to 500 msg/sec.  that means it is
> affected by disk.  However, i still think 20/sec is slow.

What client are you using?  If it's the python amqplib, can you try
putting this line:

self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 0)

in the client Connection constructor, after the self.sock =
socket.socket(...) line and see if that changes anything?

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