[rabbitmq-discuss] General questions about HA, Stability/Reliability and Broker Administration

David Wragg david at rabbitmq.com
Sat Jul 24 16:55:12 BST 2010

Hi Dave,

Just addressing one point from your email:

Dave Greggory <davegreggory at yahoo.com> writes:
> 1. Erlang VM/RabbitMQ management: It was a breeze for me to get RabbitMQ running 
> on Ubuntu (<10m) but our  operations folks had a lot of trouble getting 
> Erlang/RabbitMQ installed  on CentOs (>5hrs).

Do you know what issues they ran into that took up so much time?

It shouldn't be significantly harder to install RabbitMQ on CentOS than
on Ubuntu.  You have to enable EPEL on CentOS, but after that the
processes are equivalent.  Search for CentOS on


David Wragg
Staff Engineer, RabbitMQ
SpringSource, a division of VMware

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