[rabbitmq-discuss] how get list of queues / check queue exists

Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq.com
Tue Jul 6 21:07:50 BST 2010

Mark, Andrius,

On 06/07/10 20:54, Mark Pollack wrote:
> As part of a soon to be released project from SpringSource, we will
> be providing a .NET client API to access the information you can get
> via Rabbitmqctl and other functions in the rabbitmq broker.

Presumably the rabbitmqctl part of that is working only if the client
has the correct Erlang-level credentials and can connect to the broker's
Erlang ports. In other words, this is quite different from talking AMQP 
and requires administrative access to the broker.

On 05/07/10 17:44, Andrius Norkaitis wrote:
> I have founded one solution using QueueDeclare and passive flag:
> [...] If there is no queue available I get an exception, but also
> this closes the connection

That should only close the *channel*, not the connection. And channel
creation/destruction in rabbit is quite cheap.



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