[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbit is out of service in disk mode.

张明涛 zhangmingtao at PingCo.com
Tue Jul 6 09:39:26 BST 2010

I send messages(size:10kB) to a queue on single node,but with no consumers. Here is my java code:
  channel.exchangeDeclare(exec, "direct", true, false, null);
  channel.queueDeclare("FirstQueue", true, false, false, null);
  channel.queueBind(queueName, exec, routingKey);
  BasicProperties bp = new BasicProperties();
  channel.basicPublish(exec, routingKey, bp, messageBodyBytes);
  When 9000 message sent, the producer was blocked, I got a message in log :
  vm_memory_high_watermark set. Memory used:288650128 allowed:211065241
  alarm_handler: {set,{vm_memory_high_watermark,[]}}
  Then I stop the rabbit,restart it, but I got same messages in log .
  If I start a consumer,it receives no messages either。
  Anyone knows how many messages can a queue persist? just 9000 ?
  I want to persist all the messages, is it possible?

  Anyone give me some advice? Thks . 
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