[rabbitmq-discuss] .net client and Subscription

Andrius Norkaitis andrius.norkaitis at oryo.lt
Mon Jul 5 16:21:19 BST 2010

Same thing with Exchange. Look at the Subscription.cs source:


public void Bind(string exchangeName, string exchangeType, string


            m_model.ExchangeDeclare(exchangeName, exchangeType);

            m_model.QueueBind(m_queueName, exchangeName, routingKey, false,



If I use other exchange than default (non-passive, non-durable,
non-autodelete, and non-internal) I got the exception.




From: rabbitmq-discuss-bounces at lists.rabbitmq.com
[mailto:rabbitmq-discuss-bounces at lists.rabbitmq.com] On Behalf Of Andrius
Sent: Monday, July 05, 2010 5:51 PM
To: rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
Subject: [rabbitmq-discuss] .net client and Subscription


Hi. As from 1.8 there is queue equivalence verification I started getting
exception when I declare queue and later use it with Subscription class.


ch.QueueDeclare(clientID, false, false, true, true, false, null);

var sub = new Subscription(ch, clientID, false, RabbitMQexchange,
RabbitMQexchangeType, "");


As you can see I declare queue with Autodelete flag set to TRUE.

But if I specify queue name, Subscriber tries to re-declare this queue with
autodelete set to FALSE and exception rises.


Check the code from the client source:


  public Subscription(IModel model, string queueName, bool noAck)


            m_model = model;

            if (queueName == null || queueName.Equals("")) {

                m_queueName = m_model.QueueDeclare();

                m_shouldDelete = true;

            } else {

                m_queueName = m_model.QueueDeclare(queueName);

                m_shouldDelete = false;


            m_consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(m_model);

            m_consumerTag = m_model.BasicConsume(m_queueName, m_noAck, null,

            m_latestEvent = null;



Is this expected behaviour? What if I want to subscribe to autodelete queue
using Subscribtion class and specifying the name of the queue?


Best regards

Andrius Norkaitis

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