[rabbitmq-discuss] How can we increase the memory size of rabbitmq server?

Matthew Sackman matthew at lshift.net
Tue Feb 9 11:20:24 GMT 2010

Hi Seema,

Which version of RabbitMQ are you using, and on which platform?

RabbitMQ from 1.7.1 is fairly sensible (though buggy under Windows with
older versions of Erlang - fixed in the next release) about limiting
itself to not use more than the available amount of RAM. Thus simply
putting in more RAM is the best way to allow RabbitMQ to use more RAM.

Until the new persister lands (bug21673 - it's currently going through
QA), all messages are held in RAM all the time. The new persister is
able to spill messages to disk and forget about them from RAM and so
can, in some modes of operation, exhibit no RAM-cost-per-message - thus
you end up being only limited by disk space. If you're comfortable
compiling from source, you may wish to try that.


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