[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitHub: Binding a queue to an exchange

Oliver Senn sennol at student.ethz.ch
Thu Feb 4 15:42:03 GMT 2010

Thanks Michael! It works now.


Michael Bridgen wrote:
>> The principle of subscribing a queue to an exchange makes sense in my 
>> opinion and so I tried it but it didn't work. The problem seems to be 
>> the verification ('hub.verify'):
>> 1) if left away      -> 400 Missing required parameter
>> 2) if set to 'sync'  -> 400 Request verification failed
>> 3) if set to 'async' -> 202 but the binding never shows up (checked
>>    with 'sudo rabbitmqctl list_bindings'
> Part of the "endpoint" facet is the ability to generate tokens for this 
> purpose.  This isn't part of the PubSubHubBub spec, but necessary 
> because of the way RabbitHub generalises from it.
> So in theory[1] you'll need something like
> GET 
> http://localhost:8000/endpoint/q/queue_ShopCheckout?hub.mode=generate_token&hub.intended_use=subscribe
> which will respond with a token which you can then use as 
> hub.verify_token when you subscribe.
> (You may well have discovered this, but in general, if you browse to a 
> RabbitHub URL you'll get API documentation)
> [1] I just tried this myself locally, and it doesn't appear to work as 
> I've described -- but I may have got quoting or something wrong, or be 
> running some freaky experimental revision of rabbitmq-server, so please 
> do try yourself.
> Hence or otherwise I'm going to have a bit more of a look at the code.
> HTH,
> Michael

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