[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ 1.8.1 Stomp adaptor badmatch

Simon MacMullen simon at rabbitmq.com
Mon Aug 23 16:49:02 BST 2010

On 23/08/10 16:30, Tim Child wrote:
> I managed with the help of the IRC channel to checkout the complete
> rabbitmq-public-umbrella and compile.

I'll assume you're running from default now.

> So now was is left to do is to install in a meaningful way on my
> Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server, by that I mean, have a proper daemon
> running, with the binaries on the path and have the STOMP server
> installed. I presume there is something in rabbitmq-server/packaging
> I could use?

Yes, but as noted it's undocumented; building Debian packages from 
Mercurial is a fairly rare case. Try something like:

$ cd rabbitmq-server
$ make VERSION=1.8.99 srcdist
$ make -C packaging/debs/Debian UNOFFICIAL_RELEASE=true package
$ sudo dpkg -i packaging/debs/Debian/rabbitmq-server_1.8.99-1_all.deb

This will build and install a Debian package for the server *without* 

You should then copy the .ez. files for the plugins you need to:


and restart rabbitmq-server for the changes to take effect (there's no 
rabbitmq-activate-plugins in default, it's automatic).

Of course, the 1.8.99 version above is something I made up, you could 
use something else.

Cheers, Simon
Simon MacMullen
Staff Engineer, RabbitMQ
SpringSource, a division of VMware

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