[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq-shovel

Mark Lin mlin at admob.com
Thu Apr 22 19:40:18 BST 2010

Thank you!  It turns out my vhost name actually has "/" in the name. So I was specifying the wrong vhost name all along.  I guess since the default  vhost is "/", I was looking at it like uri, so I had to create vhost preceded by "/".

Always helpful to have another pair of eyes looking at the problem.

Two quick questions, is it possible to define multiple queue.bind in the same declaration?  This is to shovel traffic from multiple exchanges.    And can we use the Most-Recently-Declared-Queue in the resource definition and NOT have it persistent so if shovel dies, the queue dies with it instead of accumulate messages?

Thanks again,
Mark, happy shoveling.

On Apr 21, 2010, at 11:40 PM, Matthias Radestock wrote:


Mark Lin wrote:
Wanted to get shovel to work, but am getting

{amqp_error,access_refused, "access to vhost 'vtest' refused for user
'shovel'", 'connection.open'}}

from the rabbit server.

I am sure the username and password are correct.

Have you granted the 'shovel' user access to the vhost 'vtest'? See
http://www.rabbitmq.com/admin-guide.html#set_permissions - so something like
  rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p vtest shovel ".*" ".*" ".*"
should do the trick.

>From the bql security document,
http://www.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-bql.html#bql-security-rules, showing
the exact same error, it seems that I HAVE to use bql ...

No, you don't have to use bql; rabbitmqctl (which ships with the broker)
is all you need.

to grant permission to amq.default(which doesn't actually exist on
the OSX 1.7.0 build of rabbitmq).

'amq.default' is a pseudonym for the otherwise nameless default
exchange. From http://www.rabbitmq.com/admin-guide.html#access-control ...

"For convenience RabbitMQ maps AMQP's default exchange's blank name to
'amq.default' when performing permission checks."

Whether or not the shovel user needs access to the default exchange
depends on the rest of your shovel configuration. But in any case the
".*" regexps in the above set_permissions call will cover that.

By the way, the version of rabbitmq-shovel I downloaded via hg has a
few parameter modifications differ from given example in the blog.

The shovel, like the rest of the code base, is evolving, so for the most
up to date documentation always refer to the docs shipped with the code,
i.e. http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-shovel/file/default/README in this



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