[rabbitmq-discuss] erlang 1.6.0 client possible problem

Mark Geib mark.geib at echostar.com
Thu Apr 22 17:36:07 BST 2010

Hash: SHA1

We are using rabbitmq 1.6.x and the erlang client tagged for 1.6.0. We
have a system in production for many months now with no problems until
yesterday. The system in question receives data messages from many
sources, translates those messages into a binary encoded format and
publishes to the broker. Yesterday one of the sources started sending
larger messages that result in the encoded form exceeding 2k bytes.
Now when the erlang consumers get the messages from the broker they
appear to be corrupt, that is, they will not properly decoded from the
binary form. This only happens with the larger messages.

I get the message like this...

case lib_amqp:get(Channel, Queue, false) of
  basic.get_emtpy ->

  {DeliveryTag, Content} ->
     #content{payload_fragments_rev = Payload, class_id = ClassId,
properties_bin = Props} = Content,
     Message = list_to_binary(Payload),

Is there a limit to the payload size, at least in this version of the
erlang client.??

- -- 
Principal Engineer
Cheyenne Software Engineering
mark.geib at echostar.com / 35-215

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