[rabbitmq-discuss] rabbitmq-shovel

Mark Lin mlin at admob.com
Thu Apr 22 01:46:01 BST 2010

Wanted to get shovel to work, but am getting 

                            "access to vhost 'vtest' refused for user 'shovel'",

from the rabbit server.  

I am sure the username and password are correct.  From the bql security document, http://www.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-bql.html#bql-security-rules, showing the exact same error, it seems that I HAVE to use bql to grant permission to amq.default(which doesn't actually exist on the OSX 1.7.0 build of rabbitmq).  Instead of trying to get bql to work, I want to make sure I am heading toward the right direction.  Would appreciate any pointer from folks who have it working.

By the way, the version of rabbitmq-shovel I downloaded via hg has a few parameter modifications differ from given example in the blog:

>From rabbitmq-shovel/src/rabbit_shovel_sup.erl
reconnect becomes reconnect_delay
qos becomes prefetch_count

And this is not a valid parameter:
{delivery_mode, keep},


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