[rabbitmq-discuss] Channel and basicAck

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Thu Sep 17 10:47:19 BST 2009


Philippe Kirsanov wrote:
> I'm using Java library and basicConsume to receive messages.
> Messages are retrieved and queued without ack and I need to ack messages 
> before I start process it. Since channels are not thread-safe and I 
> noticed that delivery tag is channel-specific (I cannot use different 
> channel to ack message received by other channel), what is proper way to 
> ack messages? Channel that receives messages leaves in Connection thread 
> (this is the way Java lib works), but ack needs to be sent from another 
> thread.

The use of a channel by the connection thread is thread-safe. So you 
only have to ensure that there aren't multiple *application* threads 
interacting with the channel concurrently.



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