[rabbitmq-discuss] 100% CPU usage and system crawls to a halt

Matthew Sackman matthew at lshift.net
Fri Oct 23 16:55:19 BST 2009

On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 10:17:23AM -0500, Mark Nutter wrote:
> Quick question:  is there a limit to the amount of exchanges you want to
> create on a particular node?  For instance, thousands, even hundreds of
> thousands of exchanges?  Thanks,

The exchange is simply a record in memory. It's not especially big, but
it is a resource. Provided you don't run out of memory, there's no other
limiting factor. Of course, if each exchange has several bindings to
several queues and you end up with millions of queues then yes, you will
find that much harder to achieve, it's not impossible though, provided
you have juicy enough hardware.


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