[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ crashes hard when it runs out of memory

Stephen Day sjaday at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 01:47:50 BST 2009

I won't bore you with all the output, but I tracked down the binary usage to
these two processes:

[{Pid1, _Info, _Bin}, {Pid2, _Info2, _Bin2} | Other ] = [{P,
process_info(P), BinInfo} || {P, {binary, BinInfo}} <- [{P, process_info(P,
binary)} || P <- processes()], length(BinInfo) > 100000].

<0.157.0>             gen:init_it/6                      1682835  1873131
<0.158.0>             rabbit_persister:init/1           19590700 29789397
rabbit_persister      gen_server2:process_next_msg/8

I tried your suggestion to free memory and check, but it looks most was held
up in the persister:

35> M = [{erlang:garbage_collect(P), memory(total)} || P <-

51> [{P,Mem} || {Mem, P} <- lists:zip( [Me||{true, Me} <- M], processes()),
Mem < 842757048].

So it looks like the large chunks are held up between between gen_server2
and rabbit_persister.


On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Matthias Radestock <matthias at lshift.net>wrote:

> Stephen,
> Stephen Day wrote:
>> (rabbit at vs-dfw-ctl11)5> [erlang:garbage_collect(P) || P <-
>> erlang:processes()].
>> [true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,
>>  true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,
>>  true,true,true,true,true,true|...]
>> (rabbit at vs-dfw-ctl11)6> memory().
>>     [{total,145833144},
>>  {processes,50900752},
>>  {processes_used,50896864},
>>  {system,94932392},
>>  {atom,514765},
>>  {atom_used,488348},
>>  {binary,24622512},
>>  {code,3880064},
>>  {ets,64745716}]
>> This really cut down on usage, so its likely that the binary gc is falling
>> behind rabbits requirements.
> Agreed.
>  How do I track down the uncollected binary heap usage to a process?
> Binaries are shared between processes and ref counted, so no single process
> owns them. There is a process_info item called 'binary' that provides
> information on the binaries referenced by a process, but I've never looked
> at that myself, so don't know how useful the contained info is.
> One thing you could try is to run the above garbage_collect code
> interleaved with the memory reporting code to identify which process results
> in the biggest drop in memory memory usage when gc'ed.
> Regards,
> Matthias.
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