[rabbitmq-discuss] Can't run rabbitmq-server... Install issue?

Alex Wayne alex at beautifulpixel.com
Tue Oct 20 17:54:48 BST 2009

Yeah it appears I was confused on a few facts gathered from readme's and
googling.  I guess I thought that section was for installing from source.
Ok, thanks the help.  Gonna remove my foot from my mouth and continue on!

On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:08 PM, Matthias Radestock <matthias at lshift.net>wrote:

> Alex,
> Alex Wayne wrote:
>> In my defense the installation instruction don't mention rabbit actually
>> has to be compiled at all:
>> http://www.rabbitmq.com/install.html#install-generic-unix
>> It says:
>> 1. Install erlang
>> 2. unpack rabbitmq tarball and place with other erlang libs
>> 3. Customize script/rabbitmq-server environment variables
> Actually, the instructions (at the above URL and in the INSTALL file inside
> the tarball) say
> # Install a recent version of Erlang.
> # Download rabbitmq-server-generic-unix-version.tar.gz, where version is
> the version of RabbitMQ Server you want to install.
> # Contained in the tarball is a directory named rabbitmq_server-version.
> You should extract this into somewhere appropriate for application binaries
> on your system.
> # Within the sbin directory is a shell script rabbitmq-server which may
> need customisation for your installation. [...]
>  Not actually knowing erlang at all I had no idea this was a even a
>> compiled language at all.  It seems that a step 2.5 "run a make command in
>> the rabbitmq-server_version directory", would have saved me a headache.
> The rabbitmq-server-generic-unix-version.tar.gz mentioned above, available
> from http://www.rabbitmq.com/server.html, is pre-compiled. So no compile
> steps are necessary. And there is no Makefile in that tar. Did you perhaps
> download the *source* tarball? In that case the clue is in the name ;) and
> the build instructions at http://www.rabbitmq.com/build-server.html tell
> you what to do.
> As an aside, there is no need for rabbit to be put in a "place with other
> erlang libs" - that used to be the case prior to 1.7.0 but is no longer true
> (and the docs reflect that).
> Regards,
> Matthias.
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