[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ 1.7 and persistence limit?

Lynton Grice lynton.grice at logosworld.com
Tue Oct 13 13:15:46 BST 2009

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the detailed response, and I really look forward to what the
persister will be doing in future releases, sounds great.

The SYNC transactions are not my concern, I do not really mind if those
messages get lost, it is the ASYNC ones that I want 100% guarantee they will
never get lost.

You said " With the persister in 1.7, messages are kept in RAM but are also
written out to disk." - are the messages written to disk by default as well?
As in the choice between "ram_copies", "disk_copies" and "disc_only_copies"?
Or are the messages simple written anyway in the 1.7 persister?

Using transactions sounds like the answer for me for now, thanks.

Last question: Do you ever forsee a day when there is no 2GB limit to DETS?

Thanks again ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew Sackman [mailto:matthew at lshift.net] 
Sent: 13 October 2009 02:03 PM
To: Lynton Grice
Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ 1.7 and persistence limit?

Hi Lynton,

Please keep rabbitmq-discuss copied in unless you have specific reason
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On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 01:36:28PM +0200, Lynton Grice wrote:
> Forgive me if I am wrong here but in my case I want the stuff to happily
> survive a system crash ..so:
> - "ram_copies" - in a system crash the messages will be lost
> - "disc_copies" - much better with the ETS and disk_log stuff BUT still
> *possibility* that message that are ONLY in ETS tables will get "lost" on
> server crash

Yes, there is the possibility that mnesia dirty operations will be lost,
but provided you use sync_transactions, you still get the guarantee that
they've been written to disk. The main gain from keeping stuff in RAM is
for speed of lookups, and also writes can be batched in some places.

> - "disc_only_copies" - although probably a little slower that the "memory
> messaging", this is the one I like, but it does have the 2GB limit ;-(

Oh, dets is *very* slow indeed. In fact it's awful - I've never seen
dets drive a disk at above 10MB/s. The new persister can easily generate
enough IO in sensible patterns to be able to totally saturate disk
bandwidth - 70+MB/s sustained is very achievable.

> You say " The persister in 1.7 keeps all messages in memory..." - then may
> ask a stupid question, what happens if you have 10 000 message with the
> persister in memory and the server bounces?

Hang on, what I'm referring to by the "new" persister, is the persister
that we're in the process of developing and is not in 1.7. With the
persister in 1.7, messages are kept in RAM but are also written out to
disk. If you exhaust RAM then yes, you will blow up RabbitMQ, though
RabbitMQ does try quite hard these days to use flow control to stop
producers when RAM gets really tight, so it should be reasonably
resiliant. However, see, eg Brian Whitman's post:
Here, he is talking about a very experimental version of the new,
unreleased persister, which demonstrates that it is able to scale vastly
beyond the amount of available RAM now.

> I am a HUGE RabbitMQ fan, I am just trying to see how safe these "memory
> messages" really are from System failure?

Pretty much the only way of guaranteeing that a message has been sent to
disk and stored safely is to put the channel in transactional mode and
do a commit. When you get back the commit-ok, you know it's either
already been delivered to a client and acknowledged, or that it's been
written to disk. In all other cases, there are very few hard guarantees
offered - writing a persistent message to a queue without using
transactions means that there will be a window after the client has
published the message during which the message has not been fsync'd on
disk and at that point, a crash *may* result in messages being lost. As
ever, it's a tradeoff - if you use transactions, the extra fsync's all
over the place will hurt performance quite badly, but you get guarantees
that you otherwise wouldn't get.

What we tend to recommend is that you really think about how much
message loss you can cope with - most applications can cope with, say, a
minute's worth of messages being lost in the event of system failure as
it's possible the messages can be regenerated through other means.


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