[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ Statistic API

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Fri Oct 2 08:38:05 BST 2009


Alexandre Kalendarev wrote:
> I't very well if RabbitMQ will to have the the  statistic API for administration:
> - the list of queue ( the list queue where is messages more than ... )

'rabbitmqctl list_queues' shows queues and their message counts. It 
takes just a little bit of post-processing to produce results like 
"total message count", "top ten queues", "queues with more than X 
messages", etc.

> - the list of exchanges ( the list of exchanges where last messages was published till ...)

You can certainly get the list of the exchanges ('rabbitmqctl 
list_exchanges'), but no stats. Stats on exchanges would be tricky to 
implement w/o impacting performance - atm they are completely stateless.

> - list bindings

'rabbitmqctl list_bindings'

> - usage memory

You can get the queue memory with 'rabbitmqctl list_queues', though that 
doesn't necessarily include messages since they may be shared between 
queues. For total Erlang memory usage, the operating system has plenty 
of commands and utilities to give you accurate figures.

> - count messages per day/hour
> - max/average messages into queue

These, and a whole bunch of other stats, are on our todo list.



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