[rabbitmq-discuss] Latency between publish and wait

Frederick Ryckbosch frederick.ryckbosch at gmail.com
Sat Nov 21 11:41:10 GMT 2009


I'm using the python amqplib to connect to a rabbitmq server with the  
following queue configuration:

Exchange: non durable, no auto delete, direct binding
Queue: non durable, non exclusive, no auto delete
The exchange and queue are binding with routing_key "test".

The total execution time of this :

chan.basic_publish(amqp.Message(msg.body), exchange="xchange",  
chan.wait() # Waiting on the queue

is 40ms. When I profiled the code, it spends most of its time waiting  
on the socket.

Is 40 ms a normal latency between putting in the exchange to getting  
it from the queue ?
Or am I doing something terribly wrong ?

Thanks !

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