[rabbitmq-discuss] Broker Query Language (BQL) crashing

Matthew Sackman matthew at lshift.net
Fri Nov 20 15:42:25 GMT 2009


Ok, sorry, but I'm convinced you're doing something wrong:

matthew at mrnibble:.../rabbitmq-public-umbrella$ rm -rf rabbitmq-bql/
matthew at mrnibble:.../rabbitmq-public-umbrella$ hg clone http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-bql/
destination directory: rabbitmq-bql
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 62 changesets with 175 changes to 35 files
updating to branch default
30 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
matthew at mrnibble:.../rabbitmq-public-umbrella$ cd rabbitmq-bql/
matthew at mrnibble:.../rabbitmq-public-umbrella/rabbitmq-bql$ grep rabbit_misc:localnode src/*.erl
src/bql_applicator.erl:    Node = rabbit_misc:localnode(rabbit),
matthew at mrnibble:.../rabbitmq-public-umbrella/rabbitmq-bql$ hg up bab71e658da2
5 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
matthew at mrnibble:.../rabbitmq-public-umbrella/rabbitmq-bql$ grep rabbit_misc:localnode src/*.erl
matthew at mrnibble:.../rabbitmq-public-umbrella/rabbitmq-bql$ 

Are you rerunning activate-plugins after compiling? My usual process is
1) compile the plugin
2) make the symlinks from the plugins dir in rabbitmq-server
3) activate-plugins

If you're using the make package, I wonder if either a) it's not
rebuilding it correctly, or b) the activate-plugins may unpack it
somewhere and may not be overwriting with the updated version. I would
suggest make clean in the server, and nuke out anything in the plugins


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