[rabbitmq-discuss] Erlang client problems again

Dave Bryson daveb at miceda.org
Wed Mar 4 14:50:27 GMT 2009

I had a problem in the past with the Erlang client timing out and  
never connecting.  With some help on the list from another user I was  
able to get it to work by synching the exact version of the client and  
rabbitmq from the source in mercurial. Now I'm trying the latest  
server 1.5.3 and the latest version of the client and I'm having the  
same exact problem again: network test times out on the first basic  
test and if I try making my own connection "lib_amqp:start_connection"  
it just hangs.

I see a lot of activity on the erlang client in source control and  
knowing the client uses code from the server I'm curious why it just  
"doesn't work".  Is anyone using the erlang client with the latest  
rabbitmq server (1.5.3)?  What version of the server are the client  
developers testing against?


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