[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ - Erlang

Ben Hood 0x6e6562 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 00:07:21 BST 2009


Suhail Doshi wrote:
> Hey Ben,
> My name is Suhail, I am having a bit of trouble with the erlang client 
> lib for rabbitmq, for some reason my code simply just halts at the 
> amqp_connection:start() phase:
> -module(metrics_queue).
> -author('Suhail Doshi <suhail at mixpanel.com 
> <mailto:suhail at mixpanel.com>>').
> -export([amqp_lifecycle/0, send_message/5, log/2]).
> -include_lib("rabbitmq-erlang-client/rabbitmq_server/include/rabbit.hrl").
> -include_lib("rabbitmq-erlang-client/rabbitmq_server/include/rabbit_framing.hrl").
> -include("rabbitmq-erlang-client/include/amqp_client.hrl").
> -record(rabbit_info, {channel, ticket, exchange, routing_key}).
> amqp_lifecycle() ->
>     User = Password = "mixpanel",
>     Realm = <<"mixpanel">>, %% virtual_host
>     log("test", "state-1"),
>     Connection = amqp_connection:start(User, Password, ""),
>     log("test", "state-2"),
>     Channel = amqp_connection:open_channel(Connection),
>     Access = #'access.request'{
>         realm = Realm,
>         exclusive = false,
>         passive = true,
>         active = true,
>         write = true,
>         read = true
>     },
> I added you on gchat if you have any time to talk.

Is there anything in the server log? Can you supply some details about 
your environment and the versions of the client and server you are using?

Also, you're using the a deprecated API - realms have been removed from 
the spec.

I'm posting this to the Rabbit list - this is the most appropriate place 
to get help from the community.


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