[rabbitmq-discuss] Creating exchanges on demand.

Camilo Lopez camilol at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 15:32:50 BST 2009

Hello list,

I'm pretty new to AMQP and Rabbit. I'm trying to solve a problem where
I have a queue of incoming jobs and a pool of worker process. Some of
the jobs have to be processed syncrhonically.

There is one producer process feeding jobs to a incoming queue (q1),
every job has a unique id encoded in the message. All the workers read
from q1, do the  processing and put back the result in a outgoing
queue (q2) using the unique id as routing key.

When a job is synchronous, the producer will subscribe to q2, waiting
for a result tagged with the unique id  assigned when it was put in

Now, in order to wait for a specific message the producer creates a
new exchange for every synchronous job  with the unique id as key and
binds it to the queue before subscribing.

Now the question/s:

Is it OK to create a large number of exchanges? is it going to impact
 or  Am I doing something terribly wrong here? is there a best
practice I can refer to? if so any advice on the correct way to do
this would be appreciated.


Camilo Lopez

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