[rabbitmq-discuss] Headers Exchange Logic

Darien Kindlund darien at kindlund.com
Fri Jul 17 14:31:52 BST 2009

Hi Tony,

I just have a general question about the headers exchange  
implementation in RabbitMQ.  According to the spec (I think), you can  
supply regex to match on particular headers, when binding a queue to  
an exchange.  However, I wondering if it's possible to do something  

- Declare exchange 'foo'
- Declare queue 'bar'
- Bind 'bar' to 'foo', where header 'VALUE > 20'.  Meaning: evaluate  
this header; if it's not an integer or if the value is <= 20, discard  
or let other applicable queues receive it. Otherwise, accept.

I'm pretty sure this type of language isn't supported, but I'd be  
curious if it's something you're considering in the future.

-- Darien

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