[rabbitmq-discuss] recent and upcoming RabbitMQ / txAMQP talks

Esteve Fernandez esteve at sindominio.net
Thu Jul 2 10:51:48 BST 2009

Hi all

> This is a short note to announce that Esteve Fernandez, author of the
> txAMQP client for Python/Twisted, will give a talk at 4pm on Friday
> July 3rd at RabbitHQ in London.  Please come along and join us for a
> beer afterwards.  If you want to come, please email me so that I can
> get a rough idea of numbers.

Where's RabbitHQ? Lshift? I couldn't find any address at rabbitmq.com

BTW, I'll talk about Thrift too and how we at Fluidinfo combined it with AMQP
for easy (and fast) RPC over messaging.

This is the presentation I gave at PyCon US in March and at EuroPython just a
few days ago:



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