[rabbitmq-discuss] Durable queues & bindings

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Sat Apr 11 08:46:12 BST 2009


Levi Greenspan wrote:
> I upgraded to version 1.5.4 and now I see the queues and bindings after
> the node is running again. However in 1.5.3 it didn't work for me.

I can't think of anything that has changed between 1.5.3 and 1.5.4 that 
would cause this, except that startup times for when there are lots of 
durable exchanges, queues or bindings have improved significantly. The 
recreation of these entities is now also happening incrementally. So 
it's possible that previously rabbitmqctl would not list any queues for 
you if it was called right after you started the broker - though it 
should have done so eventually - whereas now it does.

> Anyway I noticed another difference between 1.5.3 and 1.5.4 - the call
> to com.rabbitmq.client.Connection.getKnownHosts() in that Java client
> API returns the list of all running node addresses in 1.5.3, but only
> one host address in 1.5.4 - a bug?

Nothing has changed in that area of the code. Are you sure that all your 
nodes are running and listening?



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