[rabbitmq-discuss] Header Exchange

tsuraan tsuraan at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 17:26:01 BST 2008

> No, it doesn't. This was actually specified before 0.10, but we felt
> that the actual specification of this was
> a) not clear enough to produce a tractable implementation;
> b) significantly more difficult that the other types of exchanges;
> c) until now, not that many have been asking about it;
> so we deferred its implementation until sufficient spec clarification
> and justification came to be.
> This is in the pipeline, but there is no ETA for it at the moment.
> So the exchange types you currently have with Rabbit are the direct,
> fanout and topic exchanges.

Ok.  I've only read 0.10 and 0.8, so anything that happened between
those two revisions is a mystery to me :-).  For some reason, I was
thinking that I needed the functionality of the header exchange, but
now I'm fairly certain that the topic is exactly what I need, and I
can't remember why I thought the header was the thing to use.

> Have a look at the compatibility information for Rabbit:
> http://www.rabbitmq.com/compatibility.html
> Version 0.91 (as a service pack for 0.9) is currently being reviewed
> by the working group and when this is signed, we will implement that.

Ok, so the current server is 0.8 only, and the java and .net clients
can connect to 0.8 and 0.9 servers.  The rest of the page is just 0.8
compatibility, for both the server and the clients.  Is there a 0.9
compatibility page anywhere, for the clients and the server when the
0.9 implementation is started?

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