[rabbitmq-discuss] Gracefully shutting down rabbitmq

Aman Gupta rabbitmq at tmm1.net
Mon Sep 1 21:16:50 BST 2008

> That doesn't seem like much. I just created 5k exchanges and
> created/bound 2 queues to each (i.e. 10k queues), which took about 9
> secs to complete, and then I shut the broker down, and restarted it.
> The recovery phase took about 20 secs, so I'm wondering what is taking
> so long when your broker has to recover. Another possibility is that
> it is spending the time in playing the log back in, which happens
> after the mnesia recovery phase.

> > Are there any other commands or options for triggering a shutdown of
> > rabbitmq?
> My favourites are Ctrl-C, kill-9 and halt() :-)

These are not graceful though, correct? Ideally I'd like to stop the daemon
in such a way that a recovery step is not required on the next startup.

On a more official note, you can call use the rabbitmqctl script with
> the argument stop, but that just calls the rabbit_control module with
> the stop argument, which is what you are effectively doing with the
> command you mentioned previously.
> If you do have Rabbit running in a shell (or even via a remote shell),
> another *cleaner* option is use the OTP application handler i.e.
> 1> application:stop(rabbit).

I'll try this and see if it produces better results.

I'll try to replicate your problem running the same command as you did.
> BTW, when you run this command, do you see an epmd process running in
> your activity log?

epmd is running on the machine.

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