[rabbitmq-discuss] whether the weather is right.

Peter Silva Peter.Silva at ec.gc.ca
Mon Nov 10 22:03:36 GMT 2008

*Matthias Radestock*  <mailto:rabbitmq-discuss%40lists.rabbitmq.com?Subject=%5Brabbitmq-discuss%5D%20whether%20the%20weather%20is%20right.&In-Reply-To=4442b4720811080736h7e2a5d81p41321f644e7ab454%40mail.gmail.com>/wrote:///    

> Peter Silva wrote:
> >/ To me, unicast/direct, multi-cast/topic, broadcast/fanout data 
/> >/ distribution has nothing to do with how the data arrived at the 
/> >/ switch/broker/exchange.   Neither producer, nor consumer should have 
/> >/ anything to say about that.
> Then who does? Some administrator? If so, just write a small AMQP client 
> app that creates the exchanges, queues and bindings, and run that as the 
> administrator. Producer then will just need to know the name of the 
> exchange, and consumers the name of their queue.

Will the consumers be able to change the bindings when they connect?

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