[rabbitmq-discuss] possible bug starting rabbit with NODENAME set?

Edwin Fine rabbitmq-discuss_efine at usa.net
Sat May 17 05:41:14 BST 2008

Thanks for the info!!

On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 12:36 AM, Matthias Radestock <matthias at lshift.net>

> Edwin,
> Edwin Fine wrote:
>> Yes, I meant rename the directory on disk, but just within the same
>> filesystem. Actually, I did a cp -R so the original directory was untouched.
>> As it turns out, mnesia didn't seem to mind, so maybe I just got lucky this
>> time.
> There are a few discussions online on why just moving the dir won't work.
> See
> http://www.erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2002-January/004254.html,
> for example.
>  I haven't looked very hard  for this, but is there a bug tracker for
>> RabbitMQ that I can get to, and look for reported bugs so as not bug ;-) you
>> guys unnecessarily?
> The bug tracker isn't public. It will be one day; we just need to find the
> time to make the switch.
>  I want to use -name because I will have applications running on a
>> fully-qualified node (-name) that will be doing rpc:call()s to the rabbit
>> node (to access the queue management functions), and I can't do that if
>> Rabbit is running -sname and my stuff is running -name.
> Understood. -name is of course useful; we'll see whether the scripts can be
> made to support it more easily.
> Matthias.
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