[rabbitmq-discuss] Fw: Errors using Windows .NET Client Library

BillC billc at inworksol.com
Sun Mar 30 18:53:59 BST 2008

Thanks a lot guys for all your help.  Tony I ran the tool as per your instructions and this is what appears on the screen dump of the Tracer:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Development>cd C:\downloads\complete-rabbitmq-bundle-1

C:\downloads\complete-rabbitmq-bundle-1.2.0\librabbitmq-java-1.2.0>runjava com.r
Usage: Tracer [<listenport> [<connecthost> [<connectport>]]]
Invoked as: Tracer 5673 localhost 5672
conn#0 ch#0 -> {#method<connection.start-ok>(client properties={product=RabbitMQ
, information=Licensed under the MPL.  See http://www.rabbitmq.com/, platform=.N
ET, copyright=Copyright (C) 2007 LShift Ltd., Cohesive Financial Technologies LL
C., and Rabbit Technologies Ltd., version=1.2.8025.1832}, mechanism=PLAIN, respo
nse= guest guest, locale=en_US),null,""}
conn#0 ch#0 <- {#method<connection.start>(version major=8, version minor=0, serv
er properties={product=RabbitMQ, information=Licensed under the MPL.  See http:/
/www.rabbitmq.com/, platform=Erlang/OTP, copyright=Copyright (C) 2007 LShift Ltd
., Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC., and Rabbit Technologies Ltd., version=1
.2.0}, mechanisms=PLAIN AMQPLAIN, locales=en_US),null,""}
conn#0 ch#0 -> {#method<connection.tune-ok>(channel max=0, frame max=131072, hea
conn#0 ch#0 -> {#method<connection.open>(virtual host=/, capabilities=, insist=t
conn#0 ch#0 <- {#method<connection.tune>(channel max=0, frame max=131072, heartb
conn#0 ch#1 -> {#method<channel.open>(out of band=),null,""}
conn#0 ch#0 <- {#method<connection.open-ok>(known hosts=billcmacxp:5672),null,""
conn#0 ch#1 -> {#method<access.request>(realm=/data, exclusive=false, passive=tr
ue, active=true, write=true, read=true),null,""}
conn#0 ch#1 <- {#method<channel.open-ok>(),null,""}
conn#0 ch#1 -> {#method<exchange.declare>(ticket=101, exchange=testexchange, typ
e=direct, passive=false, durable=false, auto delete=false, internal=false, nowai
t=false, arguments={}),null,""}
conn#0 ch#1 <- {#method<access.request-ok>(ticket=101),null,""}
conn#0 ch#1 <- {#method<exchange.declare-ok>(),null,""}
conn#0 ch#1 -> {#method<queue.declare>(ticket=101, queue=testqueue, passive=fals
e, durable=false, exclusive=false, auto delete=false, nowait=false, arguments={}
conn#0 ch#1 <- {#method<queue.declare-ok>(queue=testqueue, message count=3, cons
umer count=0),null,""}
conn#0 ch#1 -> {#method<queue.bind>(ticket=101, queue=testqueue, exchange=testex
change, routing key=routingkey, nowait=false, arguments={}),null,""}
conn#0 ch#1 <- {#method<queue.bind-ok>(),null,""}
conn#0 ch#1 -> {#method<basic.consume>(ticket=101, queue=testqueue, consumer tag
=, no local=false, no ack=false, exclusive=false, nowait=false),null,""}
conn#0 ch#1 <- {#method<basic.consume-ok>(consumer tag=amq.ctag13_rabbit at billcma
conn#0 ch#1 <- {#method<basic.deliver>(consumer tag=amq.ctag13_rabbit at billcmacxp
_20080330164613_, delivery tag=10000, redelivered=false, exchange=testexchange,
routing key=routingkey),#contentHeader<basic>(content type=text/plain, content e
ncoding=null, headers=null, delivery mode=2, priority=null, correlation id=null,
 reply to=null, expiration=null, message id=null, timestamp=null, type=null, use
r id=null, app id=null, cluster id=null),"Hello, world! .. hello Vero hello"}
conn#0 ch#1 <- {#method<basic.deliver>(consumer tag=amq.ctag13_rabbit at billcmacxp
_20080330164613_, delivery tag=10001, redelivered=false, exchange=testexchange,
routing key=routingkey),#contentHeader<basic>(content type=text/plain, content e
ncoding=null, headers=null, delivery mode=2, priority=null, correlation id=null,
 reply to=null, expiration=null, message id=null, timestamp=null, type=null, use
r id=null, app id=null, cluster id=null),"Hello, world! .. hello Vero hello"}
conn#0 ch#1 <- {#method<basic.deliver>(consumer tag=amq.ctag13_rabbit at billcmacxp
_20080330164613_, delivery tag=10002, redelivered=false, exchange=testexchange,
routing key=routingkey),#contentHeader<basic>(content type=text/plain, content e
ncoding=null, headers=null, delivery mode=2, priority=null, correlation id=null,
 reply to=null, expiration=null, message id=null, timestamp=null, type=null, use
r id=null, app id=null, cluster id=null),"Hello, world! .. hello Vero hello"}
conn#0 ch#1 -> {#method<basic.ack>(delivery tag=10000, multiple=false),null,""}
conn#0 ch#1 -> {#method<basic.ack>(delivery tag=10001, multiple=false),null,""}
conn#0 ch#1 -> {#method<basic.ack>(delivery tag=10002, multiple=false),null,""}
        at java.io.DataInputStream.readUnsignedByte(Unknown Source)
        at com.rabbitmq.client.impl.Frame.readFrom(Frame.java:103)
        at com.rabbitmq.tools.Tracer$DirectionHandler.readFrame(Tracer.java:144)

        at com.rabbitmq.tools.Tracer$DirectionHandler.doFrame(Tracer.java:152)
        at com.rabbitmq.tools.Tracer$DirectionHandler.run(Tracer.java:170)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Bill Chikirivao <billc at inworksol.com>
To: rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2008 1:00:37 AM
Subject: Errors using Windows .NET Client Library

Please can someone help me with an explanation.  I really appreciate any help you can give me.I am getting some errors when I try to run any of the examples that come with the .NET rabbitmq-dotnet-1.2.8025.1832-net-2.0 download.  I am running RabbitMQ server 1.2.0 which comes from the bundles in the windows  complete-rabbitmq-bundle-1.2.0.zip download.  When I run any of the samples I get the following error:

{RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions.ProtocolVersionMismatchException: AMQP server protocol negotiation failure: server version 0-8, transport parameters -1:-1
   at RabbitMQ.Client.Impl.ConnectionBase.Open(Boolean insist)
   at RabbitMQ.Client.Impl.ConnectionBase..ctor(ConnectionParameters parameters, Boolean insist, IFrameHandler frameHandler)
   at RabbitMQ.Client.Framing.Impl.v0_9.Connection..ctor(ConnectionParameters parameters, Boolean insist, IFrameHandler frameHandler)
   at RabbitMQ.Client.Framing.Impl.v0_9.ProtocolBase.CreateConnection(ConnectionParameters parameters, Boolean insist, IFrameHandler frameHandler)
   at RabbitMQ.Client.ConnectionFactory.FollowRedirectChain(Int32 maxRedirects, IDictionary connectionAttempts, IDictionary connectionErrors, AmqpTcpEndpoint[]& mostRecentKnownHosts, AmqpTcpEndpoint endpoint)}

If I make code changes such that I change the protocol to AMQP_0_8 in my app.config file and then set the protocol as Protocols.FromConfiguration("my-protocol");
Then I am able to connect and I don't get the same exception.  Is this the expected behavior?  and further does the RabbitMQ server only support AMQP 0-8?  And if the examples are primarily targeted for RabbitMQ then why have the default to AMQP 0-9 such that you have to explicitly change the protocol to 0-8 when running against RabbitMQ?

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