[rabbitmq-discuss] Load balancing with multiple consumers on a single queue

David.Corcoran at edftrading.com David.Corcoran at edftrading.com
Wed Jul 30 18:39:04 BST 2008

rabbitmq-discuss-bounces at lists.rabbitmq.com wrote on 30/07/2008 18:02:30:

Hey Matthias,
> Wouldn't a simple solution be to have all consumers consuming off a
> single queue using basic.get? I.e. consumer gets job with basic.get,
> does work, sends ack, gets next job with basic.get, etc.

Not really because a lot of our jobs are only a few ms so the rtt would
play too much part if we did it this way. The idea of having a local queue
full of messages works great for us, as long as there's a way to reject
messages if someone else's queue is empty.

> This does involve polling if the job queue is empty (basic.get doesn't
> block; it returns a get-empty response), but you could probably work out
> some reasonably straightforward heuristics to stop that from getting out
> of hand.

I tried the polling way before and it kills RabbitMQ for us. We can have
over 500 consumers all polling and with a small wait time between polls
this causes RabbitMQ to grind to a halt. A longer wait time between polls
means we aren't efficient when there are short jobs to be run.


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