[rabbitmq-discuss] Rabbit-Spring integration

Sebastien PLISSON splisson at veodia.com
Thu Feb 21 16:09:11 GMT 2008

I attached a sample spring configuration.


On 2/21/08 7:48 AM, "Alexis Richardson" <alexis.richardson at cohesiveft.com>

> Hi Sebastien
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 3:45 PM, Sebastien PLISSON <splisson at veodia.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  I started integrating the communication with RabbitMQ server using Spring
>>  2.5. I use the Qpid M1 java client to do that because it provides the JMS
>>  Interface usable by the Spring JMS classes.
>>  This configuration allows the usage of MessageListenerAdapter,
>>  MessageListenerContainer, JmsGateway, ...
> Thanks for that :-)
> Could you show us any of your client classes or config files?
>>  I hope that one day we will have a full amqp spring template... ;-)
> David, over to you!
> alexis
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi David
>>> On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 1:09 AM, David Peterson <peterson at orbitec.com.au>
>>> wrote:
>>>>  We're currently evaluating RabbitMQ in a Java environment as an
>>>>  alternative to a conventional JMS messaging system.
>>> Excellent :-)
>>> Do you have any non-Java cases too?  Or are you currently thinking of
>>> a Java2Java messaging set-up?
>>> [ I ask because we've just released a .NET client, which will interop
>>> with Java over AMQP, plus of course the STOMP and HTTP clients seem
>>> useful to Java users. ]
>>>>  Ideally, I would
>>>>  like to "plug-in" rabbit in a manner similar to the way that JMS is
>>>>  supported by Spring 2.x (i.e. a MessageContainer and MessageListener
>>>>  implementation that allows "message-driven POJOs").
>>> This is eminently sensible.
>>>>  My question is: are there any spring support classes for Rabbit at this
>>>>  time that provide this kind of integration?
>>> Not yet.. We did look at it, and it seems like a refactoring of the
>>> Spring messaging classes using RabbitMQ's Java client, would be
>>> straightforward.
>>>>  I've already started prototyping a few ideas in this regard and I'm
>>>>  wondering whether they would be welcome within the Java client, perhaps
>>>>  within a a com.rabbitmq.spring.* package heirarchy?
>>> That would be extremely welcome!
>>> I am cc'ing some potentially interested parties.
>>>>  A second question: I note that Rabbit defines the various AMQP
>>>>  interfaces inside the com.rabbitmq.* heirarchy. Do you know whether
>>>>  there are any plans by the AMQP consortium to split this out into an
>>>>  "org.amqp.*" heirarchy that could be implemented against by any Java API
>>>>  (rabbit included)?
>>> Yes.  The AMQP Working Group believes that a client API could be
>>> useful, for example a set of Java interface classes in a package
>>> org.amqp.*
>>> What do you think of the RabbitMQ Java and C# APIs?
>>>>  Thanks in advance for your help and guidance.
>>> It's a pleasure.
>>> alexis
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