[rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ logs, ticket check

David.Corcoran at edftrading.com David.Corcoran at edftrading.com
Tue Aug 5 15:41:13 BST 2008

Actually I spoke too soon about fixing the problem. Making the code
synchronized seemed to help at one point but with more threads I'm getting
more errors.

I agree with Edwin about the versions. Testing it against RabbitMQ 1.3.0
shows no errors in the logs.


             "Edwin Fine"                                                  
             _efine at usa.net>                                            To 
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             rabbitmq-discuss-         <rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.co 
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             bitmq.com                                                  cc 
             05/08/2008 15:20          Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ     
                                       logs, ticket check                  

I get the same issue (for the same reason) using the Erlang client, namely
"Lax ticket check mode: ignoring cross-realm access for ticket 101"
 I'd appreciate an explanation as to what changed between 1.3.0 and 1.4.0
to make this happen, and a suggestion on what I need to do to get rid of
the warning.

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