[rabbitmq-discuss] Fwd: Fwd: Fw: Errors using Windows .NET Client Library

Matthias Radestock matthias at lshift.net
Tue Apr 1 00:48:11 BST 2008


BillC wrote:
> Thanks for your response.  I cleared everything in my Mnesia and Log 
> files and restarted the broker.  I also changed my props.DeliveryMode = 
> 1 to make non persistent messages on basicpublish.   I also ensured that 
> my basicpublisher closes both the channel and connections properly in 
> the basicpublisher code.

I was just trying to run your example and noticed that the consumer code 
you sent the other day isn't well-formed - it contains an "else" without 
an "if". Can you send through the exact code for both the publisher and 
consumer you are running?

It would also be useful to get hold of the compiled code, for me to run 
as a comparison. Perhaps you could post it on some upload service such 
as uploading.com?


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