[rabbitmq-discuss] Benchmarks

binarysurgeon at gmail.com binarysurgeon at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 17:26:28 BST 2007

I'm evaluated RabbitMQ for a distributed computing project and was 
wondering if anyone had benchmarks regarding non-persistent 
non-transactional messages.  The FAQ talks about persistant messages:

"From our testing, we expect easily-achievable throughputs of 4000 
persistent, non-transacted one-kilobyte messages per second (Intel 
Pentium D, 2.8GHz, dual core, gigabit ethernet) from a single RabbitMQ 
broker node writing to a single spindle."

but I'd have to imagine that the throughput for non-persistent messages 
per second is significantly higher.  OpenAMQ claims 100k+ non-persistent 
messages per second.

Can anyone provide information regarding the throughput of 
non-persistent non-transactional messages?  Please provide the hardware 
in your responses.



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