[rabbitmq-discuss] Implementation / Specification Stability?

Tony Garnock-Jones tonyg at lshift.net
Fri Oct 19 17:13:37 BST 2007


Alexis Richardson wrote:
> That is - you should be able to drop in the XML as a config file, and
> let RabbitMQ do rest automatically, to achieve interop.  Let me know
> if this works.

To be precise: switching to a different AMQP specification XML file is
something that's done at compile-time, and is a bit of a hack. We have a
good approach in the pipeline for getting smooth interoperation for
current 0-8/0-9 implementations, but the *current* Java client can't
have its "dialect" switched at runtime.

> You can also use SSL with AMQP -- we have experimented with this in
> RabbitMQ but not released code yet.

Expect client-side support (as simple as using a different
SocketFactory) for SSL/TLS in the next release. The server-side of the
approach is to use relaying SSL proxy, e.g. stunnel4

 [][][] Tony Garnock-Jones     | Mob: +44 (0)7905 974 211
   [][] LShift Ltd             | Tel: +44 (0)20 7729 7060
 []  [] http://www.lshift.net/ | Email: tonyg at lshift.net

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