[rabbitmq-discuss] Python / QPID to RabbitMQ....no MLLIB??

Lynton Grice lynton.grice at netweaverguru.com
Mon Oct 1 12:54:41 BST 2007

Hi there,

Also....see attached screenshot of the messages that come out on the broker
console when I try receive a message......may help a little...not sure....

Chat later


-----Original Message-----
From: alexis.richardson at gmail.com [mailto:alexis.richardson at gmail.com] On
Behalf Of Alexis Richardson
Sent: 01 October 2007 01:18 PM
To: Lynton Grice
Cc: Dmitriy Samovskiy; rabbitmq-discuss at lists.rabbitmq.com
Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] Python / QPID to RabbitMQ....no MLLIB??


> I get EXACTLY the same error when I try to run the "disttailf.py -c" after
> running disttailf.py d:\tmp\rabbit\rabbit.py.
> The error seems to only be when I try to GET messages from
> RabbitMQ....putting them on is fine.....
> Any other ideas?

What spec file are you using?

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