[rabbitmq-discuss] Are there any public RabbitMQ feeds (e.g., delayed stock prices)?

Tony Garnock-Jones tonyg at lshift.net
Tue Nov 20 12:51:06 GMT 2007

Hi David,

What kinds of feeds do you have in mind?

There is a publicly-available RabbitMQ server at dev.rabbitmq.com:5672 -
and there are occasionally (!) one or more instances of the camstream
capture program pushing video frames through some exchanges on that
server... is that the kind of thing you're looking for?

If so, see:



David Pollak wrote:
> Howdy,
> Over in lift-land (http://liftweb.net) we're noodling adding RabbitMQ
> support into lift.  It'd be wicked cool if we could have a RabbitMQ demo
> complete with a public RabbitMQ feed.  Are there any known public
> RabbitMQ feeds out there?
> If not, I can probably set one up if someone could supply the feed data.
> Please let me know.
> Thanks,
> David
> -- 
> lift, the secure, simple, powerful web framework http://liftweb.net
> Collaborative Task Management http://much4.us
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